What is an AI Agent?

What is an ai agent

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What is an AI Agent?

An AI agent is a computer program that can make decisions and take actions without someone telling it what to do every step of the way.

Imagine that your computer has a brain and you let it figure things out on its own.

They’re like super-smart digital helpers that can think, plan, and act on their own. That’s what AI agents are becoming.

These agents are powered by something called Large Language Models (LLMs). Think of LLMs as huge libraries of knowledge that the AI can use. 

But AI agents go beyond just knowing stuff. They can use tools, remember things, and even make plans.

AI agents possess qualities that set them apart.

They have the ability to strategize and devise plans in a manner to achieve their objectives gradually improving through learning from errors along the way.

AI agents have memory capabilities allowing them to retain information, from interactions and save data for future reference.

They utilize tools like web browser, web scraper or they can be even connected with your data for gathering information about your business or performing actions in your systems on your behalf to accomplish tasks efficiently.

Table Of Contents

Types of AI Agents

There are kinds of AI agents available:

Reflex Agents

The basic type of agents that operate based o​n a predefined set of rules to guide their decision making process similar to having a checklist, for each scenario.

For example, if you type in a question like “What’s the price of this phone?” the agent immediately responds with the price. It’s just following a simple rule—whenever someone asks about the price, it gives a pre-programmed response.

It doesn’t try to understand or change its approach; it just follows its checklist.

Goal Oriented Agents

They possess objectives they aim to accomplish by utilizing their knowledge to make choices that facilitate the achievement of their goals.

Now imagine a marketing AI Agent that’s designed to increase sales for a new product.

Its goal is to sell more of this product, so it tailors email campaigns, social media ads, and website content to convince people to buy. The AI focuses on how it can reach more customers and drive them toward purchasing that product, using different strategies like discounts or highlighting special features.

It’s always thinking about how to achieve the goal.

Utility Based Agents

They aim to determine the effective approach by evaluating various alternatives and selecting the optimal course of action based on their assessment of what is most beneficial or advantageous in a given situation.

Let’s say a company wants to know if it should spend more money on Instagram ads or email campaigns. This AI agent analyzes which option would bring in more sales based on past performance, customer behavior, and cost.

It chooses the one that will give the most benefit to the company, helping it get the best bang for its buck.

Learning Agents

These are the smartest. They get better over time by learning from their experiences.

Imagine a learning agent working for an online store. At first, it helps market products based on general rules, but over time it gets smarter. It starts learning which types of ads work best for certain customers, which products are popular during certain times of the year, and even which words in an email make people more likely to click “Buy.”

The more data it gathers, the better it gets at predicting what will increase sales, constantly improving its strategies.

Real Life Impact

Here’s how AI Agents might affect different areas:

AI assistants are available to assist in writing and debugging computer code; an example is GitHub Copilot which functions like an intelligent coding companion.

Some AI agents are capable of analyzing computer programs to locate bugs and provide suggestions for fixing them – essentially working as a detective for your code.

Virtual Assistants, like Siri or Alexa are commonly used AI agents that can comprehend your commands and assist you with tasks.

In the realm of gaming intelligence entities have undergone training to compete in intricate games such as chess and Go demonstrating the ability to outperform even the most skilled human participants at times!

How AI Agents Work

AI agents operate by integrating technologies together.

They have access to a variety of tools to accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently. They can browse the web for information, perform calculations using a calculator or even manage and operate software applications.

Using memory, AI Agents can recall information shared in discussions and utilize it subsequently enabling them to grasp context more effectively and offer improved responses.

The main piece is represented by a Large Language Model (LLM) that works firstly as a bank of information that the AI Agent can utilize to understand and address inquiries. Secondly, an LLM helps the agent predict which tools are appropriate to solve the task along with the input that is sent to those tools.

More than that, to be as useful as we need, AI agents have the ability  to interpret images enabling them to perceive their surroundings or process speech allowing them to comprehend auditory information.

Using all of these technologies and integrations, an AI Agent firstly creates a plan for solving the problem. It divides the main objective into subtasks that must be executed sequentially then, using the tools that it has access to, it executes all tasks. At the end of the plan, it revises the output and summarizes all the actions it has done.

Most advanced AI Agents have access to other AI Assistants that help them during the planning and tasks execution. For example, an AI Agent could have access to a critique AI Assistant that helps it improve its plan. After creating the initial plan, it can send the plan along with the objective to the critique and it can review and give feedback back to the main AI Agent.

This increases accuracy and performance overall.

Difficulties Encountered with AI Agents

Even though AI agents are fascinating entities with advanced capabilities, in various fields they do come with certain imperfections and obstacles that need to be addressed.

At times, AI agents can behave unexpectedly which can cause challenges in controlling their actions.

  1. Troubleshooting Challenges

    It can be quite a challenge to identify the reasons behind issues with an AI agent when they occur. It’s not as straightforward as troubleshooting computer programs where errors can be easily identified and rectified.

  2. Assessment Challenges

    Assessing the performance of an AI agent poses difficulties as determining its effectiveness remains a task that requires ongoing refinement and exploration of optimal testing methods.

  3. Ethical issues arise as AI agents become more advanced; it is crucial to ensure that their applications benefit individuals and society at large.

The Future of AI Agents

The upcoming possibilities for AI agents are truly fascinating!

Virtual assistants are getting more intelligent these days – think about having one AI Agent that really gets what you need and can assist with tricky tasks!

AI systems could potentially contribute to addressing challenges in various sectors such, as science and medicine.

AI agents have the potential to serve as tutors by adjusting to the unique learning preferences of individual students.

AI assistants could enhance customer service interactions by responding to inquiries efficiently while also better understanding the context and emotions involved.

Enhanced creativity is a benefit of AI technology as it can assist in creative endeavors such as generating ideas for artistry in various forms, like visual arts or music composition.

How Cubeo AI Helps With Using AI Agents

Cubeo AI is at the forefront of AI agent technology. They’re using AI agents to make life easier for developers and businesses. Here’s how:

  1. Custom AI Assistants: Cubeo AI lets you create your own AI Assistant. You can train it with your own data, like documents or videos.

  2. Tool Integration: Cubeo AI’s agents can use a variety of tools. They can search the web, use APIs, or even connect with other AI assistants.

  3. Automated Workflows: With tools like Zapier and Make, Cubeo AI’s agents can automate complex tasks across different apps.

  4. Intelligent Research: Cubeo AI has a Researcher Agent that can dive deep into topics and create comprehensive reports.

  5. Code Generation: Using models like GPT-4o or Claude Sonnet 3.5, Cubeo AI’s agents can help write and improve code.

  6. Data Analysis: With Elasticsearch integration, Cubeo AI’s agents can quickly find insights in large datasets.

  7. LinkedIn Integration: Cubeo AI has special tools for searching LinkedIn profiles and companies, making recruitment and sales easier.

  8. Web Scraping: Cubeo AI’s agents can gather information from any webpage, helping you stay up-to-date with the latest information.

Cubeo AI is making AI agents accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a developer, a business owner, or just someone curious about AI, Cubeo AI has tools that can help you harness the power of AI agents.

You can build it on your own or use our AI Agent Builder to create an AI Agent in seconds.

The Impact of AI Agents on Our Lives

AI agents are changing the way we work and live. Here’s how they might affect different areas:

  1. Work: AI agents could take over repetitive tasks, letting us focus on more creative and strategic work.

  2. Education: They could provide personalized learning experiences, adapting to each student’s needs.

  3. Healthcare: AI agents might help doctors diagnose diseases earlier and develop personalized treatment plans.

  4. Entertainment: They could create personalized content recommendations or even help create new forms of interactive entertainment.

  5. Home Life: Smart home systems powered by AI agents could manage our homes more efficiently, saving energy and making our lives more comfortable.

Ethical Considerations

As AI agents become more powerful, we need to think about the ethical implications:

  1. Privacy: AI agents often need a lot of data to work well. We need to make sure this data is protected and used responsibly.

  2. Bias: AI agents can sometimes reflect the biases in their training data. We need to work hard to make them fair and unbiased.

  3. Few Job Positions Available: As AI agents take over some tasks, some job positions might disappear. Because AI could automate up to 80% of our work, there won’t be the same demand for some of them.  We need to think about how to handle this change.

  4. Accountability: When AI agents make decisions, who’s responsible if something goes wrong? This is a tough question we need to answer.

  5. Transparency: We should be able to understand how AI agents make decisions, especially for important things.


AI agents are reshaping how we engage with computers and the environment surrounding us. They play a role in our daily routines by aiding us in enhancing our coding skills and automating repetitive tasks.

Companies like us are simplifying the access and advantages of AI agents for all users—be it a developer seeking workflow enhancement or a business owner aiming to enhance customer service or even an individual intrigued by advancements; AI agents cater to various needs and interests.

But as we embrace this technology, we also need to be thoughtful about how we use it. We need to consider the ethical implications and work to make AI agents fair, transparent, and beneficial for everyone.

The world of AI agents is just beginning to unfold. It’s an exciting time, full of possibilities. As we move forward, one thing is clear: AI agents will play a big role in shaping our future.

So why not start exploring this fascinating world today?

Who knows, you might just be the one to create the next big breakthrough in AI agent technology!

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